Formatting your Google AdSense blocks
After your web site has been accepted for inclusion in the Google AdSense program, the next step should be to format those ads properly in order to provide visitors to your web site with a pleasant and consistent viewing experience. It may be a good idea to experiment with several different ad formats until you find the one that will provide maximum benefit and maximum profits.
Fortunately, Google provides a number of excellent tracking tools so it is easy to see the effect each formatting change will have on clickthrough rates and resulting revenues.
Google is very good at choosing the ads to display on their participating web sites, and at making sure that each ad is targeted and relevant to the content included on the web site. It is important, however, for every owner of an AdSense participating web site to make his or her own decisions when it comes to formatting those special blocks of text.
It is important for the AdSense ads to look as if they are a natural part of the web site itself. Studies have shown that ads which are able to blend in with the web site itself have a greater probability of being clicked than those that are made to stick out.It is important that visitors to your web site are presented with a consistent look and feel across all the pages of the web sites, and that the ads served appear as if they are a natural part of the web site content.
There are a number of factors involved in this blending in process of course. Some of the most critical factors to consider when deciding how to format an AdSense ad are the color of the text, the boldness of the text, the font used and the overall color scheme. These factors should all be matched to the those used on the rest of the web page.
If the web page is written in Times New Roman 12, the ad should be formatted with the same font. The size of the font should also match that of the surrounding text as much as possible.
The Google AdSense program also provides web site owners with the option of putting a border around the ad. In general, however,this is a bad idea, as it tends to accentuate the ad and make it stand out. It is better to have the ad blend in with the surrounding web site, so it is generally best to pass on the border option.
When choosing colors and fonts, it is important to consider the overall color scheme of the web site itself. It is important that the text be easily readable at a number of different color depths and screen resolutions, as ads that are not easily read are unlikely to ever be clicked. It is a good idea to look at the website at several different resolutions, and if possible on several different types of web browsers, in order to make sure that the ads appear legible and unobtrusive.
No matter what colors and formatting is used for the rest of the ads, however, the text links should always appear in blue. Blue is the color that web site visitors are used to seeing for links, and it is better to use that perception to your advantage. Change anything else you want to match the look and feel of your web site,but leave the text links in blue.
For those who are interested in going beyond text ads, the Google AdSense program does offer a number of graphic ads, also called image ads. In general, however, text ads tend to work better and result in higher click through rates. For most web sites, text ads will load faster and look better, but if Google thinks an image ads will be more appropriate one will be suggested.
From Cody Moya
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